I realize that by the time someone finds my website it may be too late to remind you of your legal rights, but I still feel that this is a relevant post (at least for my second offense folks).  Everything you say can, and will be used against you in a court of law.  Fact.  It is also a fact that a police officer seems far more credible to a judge or jury than you do, and anything he or she says will be taken as near-Gospel truth despite the fact that any testimony based on recollection versus recording is hit or miss.  So remain silent.

Take it from a former prosecutor and current Hollywood criminal defense attorney: remain silent.  Remain silent even if the police officer appears to be your friend.  Remain silent even if he or she implies that they will go more lightly on you if you “just tell the truth”.  Remain silent regardless of your own feelings about your guilt.  It will all pan out in the courtroom anyway.

When you’ve been arrested on felony drug possession or second offense DUI the last thing you need to do is explain the “whys”, “hows”, and other circumstances involved in your arrest.  The officer who is attempting to arrest you on felony drug possession may try and coax you into saying where you got the substances, if they are yours, etc.  You don’t have to say anything.  Ask for your lawyer, ask for me.

Silence does not mean you are guilty, regardless of what an arresting officer may say.  Silence means you are legally savvy enough to know that you can only hurt your case by talking.  You will never actually help it.

If you have been arrested and you did spill everything you’ve ever known in your whole life I can help.  As a practicing Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer and former prosecutor I am more than capable of defending your drug possession or DUI case.  I understand the system from both sides and know appropriate ways to mitigate the case to its best possible conclusion for you.

Just a bit of helpful advice from your friendly Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney!