It happens. A work function that goes on late, and the next thing you know, you’re being pulled over by a police officer and charged with a DUI. If you have been arrested and charged with driving under the influence, you might feel pressured to plead guilty and get it all over with as soon as possible. While it might be easier for the police, it does not mean that you’ll be on your way with a slap on the wrist and a stern admonition from a judge. The first thing you need to do when faced with DUI charges is to NOT panic. It does not mean you’re a bad person and you won’t end up in prison if you don’t plead guilty.

Pleading guilty right off the bat may have some severe consequences for your life. Remember that DUI charges are filed against you as common criminal charges, even if it is a first offense. The penalties can be severe and include a license suspension, hefty fine, having to attend an alcohol abuse program and even potential jail time. What you need to do in the event of being charged with a DUI is call a specialist attorney as soon as you can and let him do the talking.

The law is complicated and convoluted in the state of California when it comes to the degree of mental and motor skills that you display. You will be given a breathalyser test on the road, or a field sobriety test. This will test your alcohol level and determine whether or not an arrest will be made. You may also be sent for blood tests as a way to determine more accurately, the level of alcohol or drugs in your system. Again, don’t panic. The most important step you can take is to call a lawyer. Not just any lawyer, but a specialist who deals with the legal rights of individuals arrested and charged for DUI. Just because you have made a mistake does not mean that you do not have legal rights. Remember that the law exists to protect you and a specialist DUI lawyer is the guardian of your rights.